Posted by: You Missed What | March 16, 2009

the tag post….

I was tagged .

No make it..

I was tagged !!!!!! 😉

Not sure if I can really mumble 25 things about myself  but rest assured as always will give it an honest attempt and will ensure that there is completely unadulterated “top of mind” recall…lets see how many I am able to churn out.

1) I can talk non stop for hours on almost any topic under sun. the trick is to listen a lot when someone else is talking and count it as your talking hours. Simple !

2) My english is pathetic. This is more of a disclaimer than a warning.

3) I am mostly at peace with God and thankful to Him for what He has given me.The only exception to former is when I am driving in Gurgaon. @%*#*&^$%

4) In a very short span of professional life, I have had lunches with CEOs and chai with painters under the tree. I savour both of them as both have their own stories.

5) Success doesnt come naturally to me. But I fight and slog and struggle and eventually do manage to reach where I want to. I am now begining to like it this way.

6) Whatever little I have achieved so far is largely because of my parents’ efforts and sacrifices. It took me a multitude of efforts to realise that whatever I do, I will not be able to repay it in this life time.

7) I am writing a book which I hope to complete and put for download sometime by the end of this year if things remain the way they are right now. (yep, thanks for reminding that my english sucks, I will bundle a Wren and marin with it 😉 )

8) I am a very typical engineer – manager. There are p problems. Take first problem. Identify Y number of paramters. Assign y1, y2, y3 etc weight to them…. and so on and so forth eventually solve all the problems. End of story.

9) Usually the above approach drives girls away.

10) I think I think a lot. hmmm.

11) I like to be extremely dedicated to my work. Unfortunately I am not able to do so 100 % of time due to reasons beyond my control (that basically means I cant mention them here)

12) I am ambitious. very. I am ok with it.

13) I am not able to understand how people can decide whom to marry and whom not to by looking at a pic. Or do they decide to marry the pic actually ?

14) As a natural corollary of point 11, in general I remain pretty committed to whatever I do. Rest of the stuff? I usually decide not to do it.

15) I like reading and listening to music at the same time.

16) After having stayed alone for long now, I am beginning to believe that everyone should stay alone for a longish period once in their life. It tends to make you mentally very strong and stable.

17) I cant drive a bike.

18) I like to google around and collect quotes. They help on a rainy day.

19) “Sunscreen” is probably the best thing I ever downloaded from internet.

20) My taste in movie and music are so eclectic that the only genre they fit into is – Good.

21) My sense of humour has been problematic to many people around me and of course to myself. Especially when the joke was on the boss and he was around.

22) Sri Ram sene – me Bitter. Pink Chaddhi Campaign – me bemused

23) I have 2 arms

24) I have 2 legs

25) I have one nose.

Jeez, that was close wasnt it !

I hope this will help people know me better and drop by for an old choco chip biscuit with stale orange juice(what else? I just said I am living alone). It did help me in knowing myself better especially the last 3 points.

happy tagging.



  1. he he
    good read!
    staying alone sucks btw
    i feel mentally unstable for sure. lol

  2. Pt 4. Its better to have chai with painter under the tree, chai is good for conversation & painters are creative people. In the former, you may have indigestion from the food & terrible hangover from the story (my view)
    Pt 7. Is it Wren & Martin? who wants english as long as its Hinglish, will do.
    Pt 13. A picture may say a thousand words but its better to hear them once!….Experience!
    Pt 16. Yes simply because it’ll keep you ‘Far from the madding crowds’
    Pt 18. That’s should be good for any day

  3. Looking forward to the
    “corner offfice dreams!”

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